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a close up image of a blonde woman with grey eyes leaning forward as lillies grow outwards from her spine.

The Inner Work Needed To Change Systems

A photo of a woman with long brown hair, glasses, red lipstick and a red t shirt (abby) next to a photo of a man with closely cropped brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard wearing a purple button up shirt and grey blazer.

A Free Webinar | Wednesday October 9th 2024 | 9:30 - 11:00

Presented by Abby Taylor and Andy Crosbie. 

We often talk about system change in terms of the external, of radically changing structures or processes, changing how people relate to services and where power is located.

But systems are all around us, they influence us in ways we can’t always see. We internalise the structures that have shaped our world.

In order to create lasting change, to dismantle the structures that no longer serve us, we need to begin with the much messier, much more human, inner work.

In this webinar we will

A soft wool blanket with an open book resting on it. A cup of coffee with spoon in it and an open bar of dark chocolate rest on the book. There is a brown fluffy rug in the background.

Join usOctober 9th9.30 - 11:00 (BST)

Get comfy, bring a cuppa! We look forward to a fabulous Wednesday morning of great company and shared ideas!

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